
Please follow this blog to view the comings, goings, projects, homework, special events and fun of Susan Isaacson's 5th grade class at Gale Elementary.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Human Systems Project

Matt used clay to make a model of the Muscular System.
Isabella's project was on the Nervous System!

Sophia constructed this model of the Digestive System.

Alexys drew this model of the Digestive System.

Ryan gave a great presentation about the Nervous System.

Sylvia did her presentation on the Circulatory System.

Sylvia used this model to show how both oxygenated and non-oxygenated blood pumps
through the heart.
Elizabeth made this amazing model of a heart with modeling clay.
Logan used Q-tips to make a model of the Skeletal System.

rock Candy

Colonial Museum


Sunday, December 2, 2012

December 3, 2012

Wow!  I have been a terrible blogger!  Sorry!  Hope you all had a marvelous Thanksgiving!  I seriously do not know where the time is going!

The Wonderville Connection
December 3, 2012
Dear Parents,

It’s December!  Wow!

I have lots of fun stuff planned for this wonderful month of the year.  First, we will begin a new book club tomorrow.  We are reading “A Christmas Carol”.  I’m very excited to introduce your children to Dickens!  We are scheduled to finish the book on Monday the 17th.  On the 18th and 19th, we will watch a variety of movie renditions of the story.  Even the Muppets have done “A Christmas Carol”!

Your student should have finished reading “The Fighting Ground” this weekend.  Their final projects for that book club are due this Friday, December 7th.  I simplified the final project dramatically for this assignment.  You’re welcome.

Thank you for your support on the Young Authors’ and Young Illustrators’ entries.  I am pleased to report that all entries were appropriately delivered or mailed!  We will now focus on writing reports on our colonial research.  We are organizing the cards they took notes on, writing an outline and completing the first draft this week.

In Math, we are moving right along with fractions.  Please talk with your student about parts and wholes every day for the rest of the year!  It probably wouldn’t hurt to talk about parts and wholes every day for the rest of time!  I am amazed at the number of grown-ups who turn white and seem to want to run when the word fraction is mentioned!

In Science we made silly puddy and rock candy last week.  It was VERY FUN!  I’ve never made rock candy before, and am really excited to see what happened with it over the weekend.  The kids probably don’t realize they are learning Chemistry, but they seem to be enjoying themselves!

We bid Ms. Sylvian good-bye on Friday.  She will miss our class tons and we will miss her, too!  I am scheduled to have another student teacher next semester as well!  I hope to master the art of being a cooperating teacher!

Enjoy the first week of December!  Personally, I would n't mind some sweater weather!  I would also welcome weather worthy of wearing a jacket!  Oh well, I really have no business complaining!  Have a dandy week!  Mrs. Isaacson